TechNine MSP News

Why it’s critical to Perform an annual it audit
The shocking fact about business systems and technology is that they can go out of date very quickly. How do you keep up with new technologies and make sure you have a competitive advantage? That’s easy – Conduct an IT audit! In this article, we will outline the simple steps your IT provider should be doing on an annual basis to keep you informed, and your business up to date with the latest IT technologies. An annual IT audit should be set in the diary when this takes place very much depends on your business operation. A good rule of

Help tackle Deadly cyber attacks with user awareness
The most significant cyber risk to your business is the lack of awareness the workforce has about cyber attacks. With an ever-increasing, more complicated threat landscape, ongoing user awareness is a crucial component of a secure business. In this article, we are going to outline three of the most effective things you can do to help increase the awareness of cyber attacks in your business. Simulated Cyber Attacks Simulated phishing attacks can help educate your staff on how to spot a fake email. There are a number of software solutions on the market now that will simulate a phishing attack

Why Business IT support is undergoing massive changes
Not so many years ago, business IT firms all over the globe were making huge sums of money selling servers and physical technology solutions to small local businesses. In many instances, it helped the small local business scale at speed using the latest technology. These servers and IT infrastructure all required management and support. However, since the dawn of cloud computing, the business IT support model has been changing. The business no longer prioritises physical technology solutions but instead is now looking at business goals achieved with the assistance of technology. In this article, I will outline three examples of

1 simple thing can help secure your business IT
Not so long ago, many businesses were protected by antivirus solutions that would stop almost all of the nasty surprises landing in your internal corporate network and was the main way to secure your business. However over the years, the game has changed, and cyber crooks are using far more advanced methods of infiltrating local businesses. In this article, you will learn a simple tactic that will help secure your business and keep your workforce safe from a cyber attack. It’s not 100% full proof, but if you don’t have this implemented in your business, then you should really be

4 Critical lessons we’ve learned about working from home
I’m sure you’ll agree that the world, and parts of your business have been tipped upside down over the last 12 months. Many businesses were caught off guard, but we’ve helped almost all survive through the use of flexible technology while working from home. Here are some of the most critical lessons many of us in the world of tech have learned to help you thrive: Working from home is workable. Armed with a laptop, internet connectivity and Office 365, we helped many of our biggest customers transition to a work from home environment on a semi-permanent basis. There were

3 Awesome features of Office 365
With most businesses now on the Office 365 platform, we’re always looking for ways to help improve the efficiency of your workforce. In this article, we’re going to outline some of the most interesting features in Office 365 you might not be aware of. As an added bonus, tip number three will save you time and money. 1) Sending Videos to others. If you are trying to explain something, there’s nothing better than using video. Be it a staff induction video or training on the latest finance system, video can help your team communicate effectively. Most are not aware of

Proactive IT Support – What is it, and why is it so crucial?
As companies grow in size and workflow complexity, their IT support grows (or at least should grow) alongside them. In the beginning, start-ups and mum-and-dad small businesses often opt for IT support from someone they know – often a friend or family member. This IT support resource is usually in place on an hours-plus-materials basis and only called in when there is a problem with their computers. But as an organization begins to mature, company leadership realizes the need for ongoing IT maintenance and support from a more advanced IT resource. The considerations then often come down to two options:

3 Crucial Tips to Avoid a Cyber Whaling Attack
When you hear the term “Cyber Whaling Attack,” maybe your mind goes to Captain Ahab and his dogged pursuit of the giant white whale in the classic novel, Moby Dick. And you would be right. Except, in this case, you – the manager or executive – are the whale that’s hunted. Why? Because you have high-level access to your company’s IT environment, personnel records, client files, financial information, and proprietary data. You are the whale that the cybercriminals want to land — because you have unprecedented access. Cyber Whaling attacks are a specialized area of the more common phishing attacks

G-Suite to office 365? Check out the top reasons to migrate from Google G-Suite to the powerful Office 365 Suite!
Benefits of moving from G-Suite to Office 365 for Businesses it is no secret that both G-Suite and Office 365 are Giants in the Software as a service (SaaS) game and while both are great for Business, they have differing features and functionalities. It can be a tough decision to make. Sometimes it can happen that G-Suite does not end up being the right fit for a business and then comes the tough decision on whether moving to office 365 is cost effective and has enough benefit for a business to go through transition process. Is Office 365 Better than

How can a Managed IT provider help to turbo-charge your Central Coast law firm?
Due to the large amount of line-of-business applications that Central Coast law firms utilise on a day to day basis, it can often be hard to find an IT provider that truly understands your systems both inside and out. Pro-active Support Traditional break-fix providers will simply fix a problem when it arises and that’s the end of their involvement. This might seem perfectly normal to most people; however, did you know that most issues can be resolved before they even “become an issue”? This is where a managed IT provider is different. They will constantly monitor your systems 24/7 and
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