TechNine MSP News

phishing, fraud, cyber security
T9 Blog

Cyber-crime in the legal industry – Recent phishing campaign!

If you’re involved in the legal industry then it’s fairly safe to say you would’ve heard about “phishing emails”. These phishing emails have the ability to often de-rail a business. Take the recent phishing campaign targeting members of PEXA. In this instance fraudulent emails were sent out to members of PEXA. These emails looked legitimate to many as they contained all the usual PEXA branding, however they contained a malicious file which when downloaded and run infects your computer leaving you vulnerable. In this instance, PEXA alerted all members ASAP so luckily the damage was minimalised however it just shows

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T9 Blog

Top reasons for Businesses to use an MSP

During the COVID 19 pandemic just about all businesses within Australia needed to quickly adapt to working from home. As part of this many small businesses started realizing that having an MSP to manage all of their IT needs was a must in order to effectively transition and maintain a WFH strategy. So, besides the obvious what are some other benefits to having an MSP look after all of your IT needs? Access the latest technologies By utilizing an MSP for all of your IT management, you’ll have a team of engineers dedicated to bringing you the latest technologies such

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